“The Doctor of the future will give no medicine but will interest his patients in the cure of the human frame, in diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease” - Thomas Edison

What is Nutritional Therapy?
How does it work?
Can Nutritional Therapy Help Me?

‘Live’ foods
Enzyme nutrition
The consultation process
Case study
Client testimonials

What is Nutritional Therapy?
Nutritional Therapy is not just about healthy eating.  It is a form of complementary medicine in which a practitioner will work with a patient or client, helping their body rid itself of stressful substances, providing raw materials, and improving the assimilation of food in order to aid physical repair.  In a recent survey of 300 people treated by a nutritional therapist, it was found that 85% of headache/migraine sufferers, 82% of people with digestive problems, 70% of people with hormone-related problems, 55% of chronic fatigue sufferers and 54% of people with skin problems reported a definite, lasting improvement, usually within two months(1).

How does it work?
How well we feel depends on the efficiency with which our body produces hormones, enzymes, prostaglandins, blood cells, antibodies and countless other substances.  All these substances are made from food, but many people cannot assimilate their food properly, perhaps because of poor digestion or chronic irritation of the digestive system.  They may also have a toxic overload - a build-up of unwanted waste substances that get in the way of efficient functioning. 

Food allergies or intolerances can also cause a lot of unpleasant symptoms, which may be delayed or chronic, and difficult to relate to a specific food.
Nutritional therapy requires us to acknowledge that we are body, mind, soul and emotion. Accordingly, it incorporates all these aspects of our lives, with the objective of maintaining a healthy mind and soul as well as a healthy body, developing an open-minded outlook and a positive attitude to ourselves, and learning to see any causes of stress in our lives as challenges rather than threats.

1)  Source: Society for the Promotion of Nutritional Therapy (SPNT)
BCM Box SPNT, London, WC1N 3XX

Can Nutritional Therapy Help Me?
Nutritional therapy can help a wide range of individuals from children to mature adults,
and a wide range of conditions from headaches and migraines to digestive problems;
hormonal problems to skin problems; fatigue to hyperactivity; autism to depression,
to name but a few.

If you feel that you may benefit from Nutritional Therapy, or would like to discuss
the possibility of treatment, please contact me via my e.mail address to arrange a meeting.


‘Living’ Foods provide more nutrients than any other natural food:
- Aloe Vera
- Bee Pollen
- Green Superfoods (Spirulina, Sea Greens, Blue Green Algae)
- Wheatgrass

Life-Long Youth and Anti-Ageing
Achieve lasting youth naturally. Learn how to stay young and disease-free;
Natural preventative and treatment options for age-related ailments, including
Heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, arthritis and osteoporosis.
Eat plants that maximise anti-ageing nutrients; learn lifestyle strategies to erase
Years from your chronological age.

Specialist Herbal Supplies

Enzyme nutrition
The Food Enzyme Concept reveals how the mechanism of enzyme deficiency
speeds the development of cancer, heart disease, arthritis, premature
aging and other intractable conditions.

The Consultation Process
Prior to the consultation, you will be asked to complete a simple questionnaire detailing your symptoms and health history together with dietary and lifestyle habits.   The initial consultation lasts about 1 hour. At the end of the first consultation you will have an initial programme to start working with.  This will usually involve dietary changes plus supplementation or herbs to help support the programme.

The follow-up consultation usually occurs about 4 weeks later and lasts approximately 30 minutes.  This will involve a review of the progress so far plus formulating a further programme if necessary.

The price for a consultation is £60.00 payable on completion of the Nutritional Questionnaire.  Additional follow-ups are £30.  On average Diane see patients twice in order to complete the treatment programme, but every case is different.  Telephone consultations are also available and work in a similar way, the difference being that you post the questionnaire to Diane in advance and then telephone her for the consultation.  Evening and Saturday appointments are usually available.

 For further details or to book a consultation contact diane@energy-stream.com.

Case Study
Sarah contacted me with Irritable Bowel Syndrome, diagnosed by her doctor in July 2003. After 6 months of trying everything from Fibogel (prescribed by her doctor), fasting, laxatives and acidophilus tablets, she was desperate to rid herselfof the Symptoms - bloating, flatulance, lack of energy and loss of appetite and constipation.

After completion of a Nutritional Questionnaire, it appeared Sarah ate well, exercised, took nutritional supplements and felt she was not stressed. The only possible culprit could be inefficient digestion, absorption and elimination of foods.
I suggested Sarah begin to Food Combine and cut out diary, wheat and processed foods, alcohol, sauces, tea and coffee.

Sarah was allowed one day off a week to eat and drink as she pleased.
I asked Sarah to supplement her diet with Folic Acid to aid protein utilisation and red blood cell formation. Dong Quai in Tincture form, for hormone balance before meals and Slippery Elm tablets after food to aid digestion. Finally, Magnesium to be taken at night to relax muscles during sleep and for energy production.
Within two weeks Sarah telephoned to say she was bursting with energy, had lost half a stone in weight and had a flat stomach with no bloating or flatulance.

She was delighted with her new found energy and eating plan.

Client Testimonials

Good Morning Diane

I just thought I would let you know how I am getting on, a week before my upcoming wedding ! Well, I weighed in this morning at 10st 01 and when I first met you I weighed 10 st 11, a massive 10lb drop !!  Everyone is commenting on the difference in me, and I have lost a lot of weight off the places I needed it, such as my hips, bum and face ! 

I feel I have so much more energy, my skin and nails are amazingly perfect ! And all thanks to your great advice. I cannot thank you enough, you have helped make me a very happy bride to be.
I am not as strict on the diet as when I first started but am so much more aware of the food I am putting into my body, much more salads, fresh vegetables and fish. And watch closely for processed foods, which I avoid as much as possible. My eating habits have just changed so much, I rarely eat bread, potatoes, dairy, and don’t miss any of it !! So needless to say, I drop your name whenever possible and will continue to do so.
Thanks again Diane, you have made a big difference to my life and health, one which I feel shall stay with me now, as I see/feel the benefits.

Kind Regards
Cathy Walsh

“Just to say hi and give you a progress report …
Weight loss so far 8lbs – 5lbs first week 3lbs second week – energy levels
on the up and have done two 2k runs. Doesn’t sound much but it was a big step
for me. – Helen Hart

“Done 3 weeks no alcohol - felt great.   Went to organic shop - felt so guilty after last email to you - so started then.  Take Vits religiously - muesli or smoothie every a.m. - salad every day.  Cut right back on drink and red meat.  Eat Prawns and Fish now.  Feel great - but notice if I have a drink or bad food.  I feel like an 18 yr old!  Will call in a week or so for a chat.  Thanks v. much.  Dave.